In the third part of our 3-part series of lessons from Abraham Hicks, we are covering the positive mindset: Everything is working out for me! Do you believe that everything is working out for you or does it not feel to be true? Be honest with yourself.
Setbacks, failure, disappointment, and rejection that is all feedback. It is critically important for you to know which direction you desire the most. Without it, we don’t grow. We need the down moments; we need the frustration to move us in the direction we’re supposed to be going in.
So, when things don’t feel good, it reminds us that we need to get back to our inner source. If it doesn’t feel good for our soul, we know we’re out of alignment. This is really the easiest measure of whether or not you are in a place where you need to be.
In today’s podcast, you will hear:
- That it’s ok to make mistakes!
- Why it’s important to trust in your journey
- Why you need to believe it to see it
“It all works out in the end and if it hasn’t worked out yet, you’re not at the end yet.” – Lewis Howes.
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Everything Is Working Out For Me Mindset – Lessons From Abraham Hicks
It is the third and final segment of my lessons from Abraham. I’m going to pull in some other things into this conversation about the Law of Everything works out for me. This is a lesson from Abraham. Everything is working out for me. Everything works out for me. I want you to say that to yourself right now. Take an inhale. Let it out. I want you to say, “Everything works out for me.”
Do you believe that or does it not feel to be true? Be honest with yourself. I will tell you, I had a moment where it locked in for me that everything works out for me. The difference is understanding. That doesn’t mean that things won’t go wrong, that things won’t go sideways, and life won’t be challenging. It means that everything works out for me eventually.

There’s a great quote from Lewis Howes. He says, “It all works out in the end, and if it hasn’t worked out yet, you are not at the end yet.” Trusting that your path is your path, many things you need to bump up against because they cause the contrast that allows you to get clear on what you want. Contrast, failure, and rejection, they all fall into contrast. That is all feedback that is critically important for you to know which direction you desire the most.
Without it, we don’t grow. We need the down moments. We need the frustration, disappointment, and some pain to move us into the direction we are supposed to be going in, the one that speaks most directly to our soul. When we feel that contrast, when it doesn’t feel good, it reminds us that we need to get back into arm-and-arm lock step with our soul, and we need to get on the same page.
If it felt good for our soul, we’d be excited. If it doesn’t, we know we are out of alignment. It is the easiest measure of whether or not you are in a place where you need to be. I have learned to appreciate the lessons of the frustrations, disappointments, and embarrassments of the things that I have done that I give a good smack to my forehead on because they taught me a lot.
I think back to my early years working in public relations. Even before then, I had some moments. I grew up in this little town. I was so naïve. I could still remember, I went off to college and we were at a nice bar and we were supposed to leave a tip. If you’ve ever done this, you’re supposed to leave a tip for the bathroom attendant, and I didn’t know.
I left, and my roommates were like, “You are supposed to leave her a tip,” and I remember feeling so stupid. I thought, as I look back, I have a lot of empathy for people who come from also not knowing, and then I knew. I didn’t make that mistake again. I look back on my life and there are moments where I screwed up at work, I didn’t handle things well, but I handled more well than I did not, and in the long arm of my career, it has all worked out for me.
It’s okay to make some mistakes. Some mistakes teach you what you want to do, and without them, how would you know? It’s all working out for you. I want you to trust the journey that it’s all working out for you. The things that get in the way of this, one is regret. Peter Crone, one of my favorite people. If you haven’t listened to him, he’s fabulous. He’s adorable and he has got an accent. I could listen to him forever.
It's okay to make some mistakes. They teach you what you want to do. Share on X
He says, “The past couldn’t have happened any other way because it did not.” It happened. The past is gone. It’s over. The past happened. When you look back and think you should have done something another way, that is a waste of energy. A good use of your energy is to come to peace with what happened in the past, and to forgive. A lot of the work that I did at a place called 40 Years of Zen, was all about digging back into my past and letting go of things that were triggering me and causing friction in my life. I was super resistant to doing this because I don’t like to relive unpleasant things.

If you can go back and go through a process where you forgive and let it go, as Joe Dispenza likes to say, “Those don’t become painful memories. They become wisdom.” You are either hanging onto old memories as resentments, shame, regret, or you can do the work and look back on all of those as lessons and wisdom.
When you look at the things that happened as wisdom and teachers, everything shifts, and that’s when you know everything works out for you. The other things that get in the way of believing everything works out for you are your current set of limiting beliefs. What are the stories you are telling yourself right now in your business? “I don’t have enough experience. I’m not as good as other people. I don’t have enough time. I’m not good on social media. I don’t know who my target market is.” If you can get the limiting beliefs out of your way and know you can figure it out, if you decide to trust yourself, you will get to where you need to be.
Your current limiting beliefs get in the way of believing everything works out for you. Share on X
Believing everything works out for you only becomes a true belief when you believe that the things that happened in the past happened for you. I am not a therapist. I know some bad things happen to people. I had some bad things happen to me in college that I needed to deal with. I know that there are terrible things that happen, and I’m not minimizing them. I’m saying if you can get to a place where you can figure out what the lesson is and how you can grow from that, that’s when your life takes another direction.
I’m not saying it’s easy and I am not saying I’m even qualified to help some people deal with some of the trauma, but we do see people. If you look around, we see people that have overcome what would break many of us and are here to tell the story and to be an inspiration to others. I know it’s possible when I see people go through what is something that would break me and they come out the other side stronger.
I encourage you to look for people who inspire you, who maybe have walked the path that you’ve walked and have done this work, because that’s the key. Abraham does say, “The bigger the starker the contrast. The more you hit the depths, the more opportunity there is to learn and grow.” As hard as that may be to find yourself back to a place, the growth that can come from that, you have the opportunity to grow in a significant way.

I’m not minimizing bad things happen. I’m not trivializing it. I’m saying everything is a teacher. When you believe that, when you believe everything is working out for you, it will. That’s the key. You have to believe it to see it. You cannot wait to see it to believe it. The best way to do this is to look back, not at the things you regret, but the things that sent you in a direction where you are right now.
Oftentimes, some of your best decisions are made because you were at a pain point that got to such a point that something had to change, and that is when things started to change for the better. If you are in a point right now where you are saying, “Things need to change.” Know that that’s a good thing. You are hitting a point where you are ready to say, “I’m going to move back in the direction of what my soul is telling me to do.”
That’s the final lesson from this episode. If you haven’t been listening to Abraham Hicks, I would suggest it. I listed a lot of different people. There are podcasts. If you search for podcasts, you can find some. They also suggest the books, and there are Audible books and there are regular books. Ask and It Is Given is one of the key reading materials for the Law of Attraction. It explains what the steps are, and the first step is to ask, which means you have to get into a place of contrast.
Trust that if you are not feeling yourself right now, that’s okay. Remember that getting back in alignment with yourself is the most important thing. You are worth it. You are worth everything you desire. Everything is working out for you. Everything is working out for me and for us. You’ve got this. I love you to pieces. We are going to start digging back into some serious marketing stuff because I have finished all the pieces of my Magnetic Marketing Course. I’m going to start to make that and share a bunch of stuff with you there. We’ll dig back into some foundational marketing stuff. I love you, guys. I will talk to you soon. I love you to pieces.