How do you manage your biz as a mom?
Let’s talk about motherhood, seasons of parenting, seasons of life, and how to manage your business through those different seasons. You get to decide how you want to live your life and how you want to run your business. Remember, you get to change your mind!
In today’s podcast, I want to give you 3 things that will help you better manage your business.
This episode covers:
- Deciding what you want
- Getting really clear on what needs to get done in your life and in your business
- How to carve out time and get creative on how you’re gonna get things done
Seasons will happen and you will go through ebbs and flows, but the key is staying consistent.
Join me for this episode and become more magnetic in your biz and life
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Managing Your Biz Through Seasons Of Motherhood
We are going to talk about motherhood, seasons of parenting, seasons of life, and how to manage your business through those different seasons. I want to start first acknowledging you out there and whatever season you are in right now. I’m going to say something that’s probably a little controversial. I do this from time to time.
You get to decide how you want to live your life and how you want to run your business. You get to change your mind. You get to shift, pivot, and roll with the changes. If you’ve got anybody telling you anything, otherwise, I’m going to tell you to put your earphones on and decide what you choose to listen to and if it’s serving you.
I think about myself as a mom in my journey and even before I was in this industry. I had a career in marketing and public relations. I live in New York City. I worked at several big worldwide PR firms. I had a hugely successful business. I was running global teams. I was leading new business for the entire firm and helping with our training program. I was cranking.
If you had told me, at that point before I had kids, if I’d ever stopped working full-time, I would have told you were crazy. I would have told you that you were nuts because I loved what I was doing. It was my dream to create this career in public relations, and I had. I was doing it and it was great, and then I had kids. My husband works in finance on Wall Street. He was working crazy hours. As soon as I had kids, my work wasn’t as important to me anymore.
Building my family and being there became important in ways I couldn’t possibly have imagined or anticipated and I love that. I love that life brings you into new seasons. The realization that I had at that point, that what I was doing no longer served me. It didn’t fill me up the way it had done before. Now had new things to be learning, growing, and expanding from, and so I decided to stay home full-time. That was a huge identity crisis for me because I had completely defined myself by what I did for a living. I had no other description of who I was besides that.
That’s when I started to dig into mindset work. That’s when I read the book, A New Earth, by Eckhart Tolle, and started to dig into meditation and mindfulness, and understanding that we are humans having a human experience. We are not our professions. We are here to experience life. That will take us on many journeys that we cannot anticipate.
I decided to stay at home. I did all of the things. I volunteered. I was the president of all the things. I ran all the things. As my youngest was starting to get into preschool, I could start to see windows of time that were starting to open up. I started to see like maybe I could do something else. That’s how I got into personal training and back into fitness. I had been in fitness in my twenties. I got back into fitness in my early-30s. That led me down a whole other path.
From there, I started to train in New York City. Lemon asked me to become an ambassador. I ran their run club, and I built this huge amazing mom network, through that community that was hugely fulfilling to me. I was able to help people get healthy. I could do it around my family’s schedule, and then that led me to becoming certified as a wellness coach because I wanted to start to help people with more aspects of their wellness, and that’s what led me into this industry of online wellness.
Here I am, years later, my kids are all teenagers, were in college, and I have continued to evolve. Then I look now like how do I want to add value to people now, it is in helping women feel good about themselves and their choices. Helping them succeed at this industry, if that’s something they want to do and having them feel good with their health and their wellness. I’m going to start to tune into some wellness tips for entrepreneurs in the next episodes.

That’s the journey. It has not been a straight line, and there have been ebbs and flows. If you are reading this and you are behind me in this journey, I want you to realize it’s all going to be okay, and you get to decide how you want to run your business and life. You get to choose. There are also seasons of like mini-seasons inside there.
There are summers, back to schools, holidays, and spring breaks. Every year, there’s stuff that’s going to come and go and the schedules change, and now you got them home. You’ve got to get them here. Figuring out how you want to run your business is key, and I want to give you some ideas of things that have worked for me and my team to help you find your flow. That’s what I want you to acknowledge is finding your personal flow and doing that out of a space of true desire for yourself and what you want. That’s the key.
I’m going to give you three things to think about. The first is deciding what you want. I know it sounds pretty obvious, but this is probably the hardest thing. Know that this may change over time, only you can decide. Getting honest with yourself about what you want your business to be and whatever that is it’s fine. A lot of people do businesses like social selling to earn an extra couple of hundred dollars and to be in a community of positive, inspiring, and fun people.
If that’s what you want to do, awesome. That’s what most people do. Feeling like you should or need to do more than that, when that is what you want right now, is so key to understanding. Also my friends who are leaders. This is important. Making sure your team feels appreciated for being here regardless of their level of contribution to where you want to go is key.
Make sure your team feels appreciated for being here, regardless of their level of contribution to where you want to go. Share on X
If you are making anybody feel bad because they haven’t done what you were hoping they would do, you are failing them as a leader. It’s not your job to should on your team. That’s number one. Number one is deciding. That is why I love meditation, law of attraction, and setting clear intentions. You cannot get clear on this stuff until you get quiet. You do some mindfulness work. You know who you are. You got your handle on and the stories you tell yourself. It’s key by getting that work done. Maybe next time I will give you a couple of my favorite tools for doing that. That’s number one, deciding.
Number two is once you decide if you are in a busy season, then it’s getting clear on what needs to get done. In your life and in your business, what needs to get done? Making lists a real is helpful. Getting up each day and winging it is an inefficient way to get through your day. A little bit of planning. What needs to get done?

In our business, I’m oversimplifying it. I know, but it is marketing and it is prospecting. Those are your activities. What needs to get done in terms of marketing and prospecting each day, and then getting creative on how you are going to get that done. Does that mean waking up 30 minutes earlier? Does that mean taking your list and having it in the car with you during all of the little pickups? Does it mean that you’ve got your list ready, and the minute everybody goes down for a nap, you are doing it?
When will you get it done? Just say, “This is a busy season. Thirty minutes a day, I’m getting this thing done.” That’s number three is to carve out the time and get creative. If you are serious, you say, “I got to get this stuff done.” Who can you recruit to help? We talked about social media in the last episodes. How can you pre-plan some of the things?
In our business, we give people social media content that they can use. You say, “I’m going to lean into the tools that are already given to me. I’m going to make sure I post consistently and I spend time connecting with people and I get it done.” Just getting creative. Carve out the time and schedule the time. Here’s what I have found as a coach in general, regardless of what it is. Whether it’s you want to exercise or work on your business, whatever it is. If you schedule the time in your calendar and you treat it like it’s a real schedule, you will get it done. A little bit of pre-planning in advance.
Let’s run through those again. Those three tips. This is simple. Seasons will happen. Your desires will go through ebbs and flows. They most likely will. What’s so great is if you decide when you decide when you decide you want to stay in the game. When you stay consistent, you can press and lay off the gas pedal, because you are staying consistent.
The biggest detriment to your business is dropping it and picking it back up. It is more work to stop and start than is to keep the motor running a little bit. Number one is deciding. Again, I’m going to tell you this. If you decide for whatever reason that what you are doing right now no longer serves you, you can decide not to do it anymore.

It’s not a cult. It’s not a life sentence. It’s your life. You can change your mind about anything whenever you want to. Get honest with yourself and decide because the beauty of social selling in particular is you can do a little bit over time and it will consistently grow. You could say, “I’m not going to be all in right now because I have got these other priorities. Here’s what I can do, marketing and prospecting, and here’s the time I need to get it done.” Let everything else go and know that what you are doing is enough. What you are doing is enough. You are enough. You are doing a great job. The seasons will change, so will you. I can’t wait to see where it takes you.
The seasons will change. So will you. Share on X
That was it for now. Thank you so much for reading. You are amazing. I appreciate you so much. I love the messages that I get back from you telling me that this stuff is resonating with you. Always let me know if there’s something else you want to learn and hear about. I’m here for it. I’m going to talk health over the next two episodes. Stay tuned for a couple of things on health and wellness, and how it impacts your business and your life. Love you to pieces. I will talk to you soon.
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