How can you change your mindset, grow your business, and improve your life?
Today, I want to share five questions that can help change your mindset, grow your business, and improve your life!
- How Can I Look At This Differently?
- Is This Helpful?
- Who Can Help Me?
- Am I Giving My Power Away?
- What Is Sucking My Energy And Stealing My Joy?
Now, you can write them down, put them somewhere in the note section of your phone, and when you feel your energy out of alignment, go back to these questions and see if any of them apply.
In today’s podcast episode of the Magnetic Marketing and Mindset Show, I am going deeper into each one of the above questions and am giving you some helpful tips and tricks!
Don’t miss this episode!
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Links mentioned in this episode:
Who Not How by Dan Sullivan.
Listen to the podcast here
5 Questions To Magnetize Your Business + Life
How can you change your mindset, grow your business, and improve your life? Today, I want to share five questions that can help change your mindset, grow your business, and improve your life! How can I look at this differently? Is This…
I am going to drop in for you five questions to change your mindset, grow your business, and improve your life. Are you ready? Write these five questions down. Put them somewhere in the note section of your phone. When you feel your energy out of alignment, I want you to go back to these questions and see if any of them applies. We’re going to dig right in. Let’s get into these.
How Can I Look At This Differently?
Number one is, how can I look at this differently? We often get frustrated by our business and our progress. Someone didn’t call us back, one of our teammates decided to drop off, or a customer was going to order and they didn’t. How can you look at this differently? My number one tool is to always try to find the lesson or the gift in reframing.

Sometimes that’s harder to do than other times. I understand. Changing how you look at things is your responsibility. One of my favorite quotes from Wayne Dyer is, “Change the way you look at things, and the things that you look at change.” How can you look at it differently? How can you find the gift, the lesson, and the gratitude? How can you look at it differently?
Is This Helpful?
Number two. Is this helpful, in general? This applies to many parts of your life. Is the thought helpful? Is your activity helpful? Is it an income-generating activity? Is it an activity that brings you joy and purpose? Is it something that’s causing you comparisons and making you feel bad about yourself? Is it helpful? Ask the question. Ask it about thoughts or activities. Is it helpful? That’s number two.
Who Can Help Me?
Number three is a big one. This is my big thought for you entrepreneurs, especially. Who can help me? I have started to think about how I am outsourcing parts of my business and parts of my life that do not need to be done by me. Who can help me so that I have more time for the things that I love? I get to decide how I spend my day and what I focus on. If there are activities and things inside that day that I do not enjoy doing, that are not in my skillset, and are not a use of my gifts, it’s my responsibility to find someone else who can do those things. What is not my gift is someone else’s gift.
What is not my gift is someone else's gift. Share on X
That’s the beauty of how beautifully different we all are. It’s finding who can help you solve a problem. Sometimes we feel like we have to figure it all out ourselves, and we do not. We would not be on this planet altogether with all of our unique gifts at the same time if we weren’t supposed to tap into each other and use what we call the collective genius. Find people to help you. Who can help me? That’s number three. Two more.
Am I Giving My Power Away?
This is a good one. Number four. Am I giving my power away? This is one that we could dig into. I’ll just say that there are people in your life who you are giving your power to who do not deserve it. I’ll even back up further and say that no one gets your power. No one gets your personal power. It is yours. Keep your power to yourself. There are people who will try to steal your power. It is your responsibility to not let them.
Boundaries must be made in your life in order to live a life by your own design. If you are not creating boundaries and living your life according to your own plan, you’re living it according to someone else’s. People are stealing your power. I will also say that media steals your power, including social media. The news steals your power. You can watch the news and feel very helpless. You can watch social media and feel like you’re not worthy because you see other people doing things that you feel like you should be doing and could be doing.

I want you to start to take full responsibility for your own personal power. Ask yourself the question, “Am I giving my power away?” If you are, what can you adjust immediately so you can take your power back? It’s you. You came into this world. It’s your life to live, you have to live it. Only you can decide to do that. Own your power. My friends, own it.
What Is Sucking My Energy And Stealing My Joy?

Number five, and then we’ll recap. Number five is along the same lines. What is sucking my energy and stealing my joy? Sometimes that’s people, sometimes that’s activities, and sometimes it’s just our thoughts. We are in charge of our own energy reserves. Oftentimes, that means deciding to say no and deciding to step away from things.
I promise you this, my friend, as a hustling entrepreneur, saying no to some things allows you to say yes to the things that matter. If things are stealing your joy and sucking your energy reserves, you do not have the time or energy to make the magic that you want to make. It’s important to see, what are the activities, who are the people, and what are the thoughts that are sucking your energy and stealing your joy?
Let’s recap them. These are the five questions that I want you to ask yourself every day. One is, how can I look at this differently? What can I bring to this situation that could open this up and have me look at it in a different and more positive way? Number two, is this helpful? Is my activity helpful? Are these thoughts helpful? Is it helpful? That’s a great question to ask yourself about your own thoughts in your own head. Is this a helpful thought? If it’s not, let it go.
Number three. Who can help me? I imagine some resistance will be brought into this. I would encourage you to read or listen to the book called Who Not How by Dan Sullivan if you’re struggling with this question of “Who can help me?” Number four. Am I giving my power away? Personal power, my friends. Put your hand on your heart. Personal power is yours.
Number five. What is sucking my energy or stealing my joy? Joy is why we’re here. It’s the whole human experience so find the joy. Don’t let anyone steal it. It’s yours. I love you. I hope this was helpful. Please drop a comment in the reviews. I’d love to hear your thoughts. I appreciate it so much, and I’ll see you back here next time.