Be more magnetic in your business and your life.
You can make a difference in your business and life by being magnetic!
Today, I am sharing my three tips on how you can be more magnetic in your business, your relationships, and your life.
In today’s podcast, you will hear how you can improve your mindset, marketing, and momentum when it comes to your business and life.
This episode covers:
- Mindset – you are responsible for your mood and for raising your own vibration when you can.
- Marketing – The most important thing about marketing is your attitude about it.
- Momentum – Everything we do has momentum, so you can either stay super consistent and build momentum or you can be sporadic, and that will create its own momentum in the other direction
Consistency compounds, and if you just stay consistent for long enough, it will pay off.
Join me for this episode and become more magnetic in your biz and life.
Listen to the podcast here
3 Ways To Be More Magnetic In Your Biz And Life
Be more magnetic in your business and your life. You can make a difference in your business and life by being magnetic! Today, I am sharing my three tips on how you can be more magnetic in your business, your relationships, and your life. In today’s…
Last time, I had the honor of speaking on a good friend of mine’s team call. She’s a legend in the industry, and it was a real honor to be asked. I want to share with you my notes from that call, because it’s good stuff. It bears repeating some of the stuff you’ve heard before if you’ve been here for a while, but what I find is we can hear things over and over again and it lands differently because we are different. I want to give you the three M’s to becoming more magnetic in your business and in your life.
We can hear things over and over again, and it lands differently on each of us because we are different. Share on XFor a little bit of background, for anyone who’s joining, my background is in marketing and public relations, and then I stopped doing that when my kids were little and I pivoted into personal training and wellness coaching. I became an online wellness entrepreneur, which is a huge part of what I do now. It’s great because I have been able to blend those two skills to help people build their wellness businesses online using their personal brands.
It’s been fun for me, and wellness is always nearest and dearest to my heart. As you read these three M’s to becoming more magnetic, I want you to think about how this applies not to your business, but to your whole life. We are not supposed to work our tails off and die. We are here to enjoy life and to experience it all, the good, the bad, and everything in between. If all we are doing is working, we are missing a huge piece of that.
Apply this to your life also in how you do everything. Anything is how you do everything. I want to help you have a fulfilling life. Number one, first M is Mindset. Let’s talk about Law of Attraction. Even though we have talked about it before, everything you are putting out is getting picked up, and we know this.
Think about if anybody’s else has got kids, like when our kids walk past us, we can tell that there’s stuff going on even if no words are said. Getting your own personal energy right is your most important job. Am I saying that you always have to be in a good mood? No. That’s not realistic. What I’m saying is you are responsible for your mood and for raising your own vibration when you can.
Things happen. I’m acknowledging things happen. I’m saying you decide how long you are going to stay there and how much power you are going to give everything that happens to you. I’m not trying to minimize what happens, but this is the truth. The only person that can change our minds is us. We are 100% responsible for our own thoughts.
Once you embrace that, you have the power to start to change your mind, and that requires digging into the tools. It may be prayer for you. Meditation. Digging into personal growth books. Doing the work so that you get poured into the tools that you need to be able to change your own mind. A couple of things that I want you to think about is a strong mindfulness practice where you have the opportunity to sit quietly regularly throughout the day and notice your thoughts.
If you don’t know that your thoughts are not real, you cannot change them. There are so many people are walking around thinking that whatever they think is true, because they thought it, and that’s not true. Our brains are amazing organs. They are also faulty in their wiring, and it’s our job to recognize that and get back to a place where we know we are in charge, not our thoughts.
A couple of tips and tools I would suggest for this. One is to limit your exposure to toxic things. That includes the news, social media, and people. If you haven’t done this already, you can unfollow and mute people on social media without unfriending them. If you’ve got people in your life where you are like, “It would be bad for everyone if I unfriended this person.” You can mute them and you don’t see their stuff and you are still friends.
Work on that deliberately. For all of the things that are magnetic, I have said this before. Limit your exposure to the news, particularly in the morning and at the end of the day. Instead, at the end of the day, I love getting into the practice of celebrating your wins. There’s a great book called The Gap and The Gain. I have talked about it before on here. We overlook how far we have come and only look at what’s always ahead of us. If you celebrate your wins, you are going to be in a better head space.
There are a couple of tips. I also want to give you the emotions chart of the law of attraction. It’s a super useful tool and it shows you that you don’t always have to be in a state of joy because that’s not always going to happen. If you can move yourself up the emotional ladder, you start to raise your vibe and it makes a huge difference. That’s number one. Number one is mindset.
Number two, I bet you can guess because it’s the name of the show. It’s your Marketing. Magnetic in your marketing is so key. The first thing about marketing is your attitude about it. We are personal brands, all of us, and we have amazing opportunities each day to connect with other people like us on social media. People that need our help and people that we will have an authentic connection to. Embracing that idea of abundance, there are billions of people on social media and feeling like you can make an impact in someone’s life. That’s the attitude to begin your marketing.
Not that it’s a chore or not that you hate it, that is not an abundant magnetic place to start. Thinking about your attitude and getting clear on how you can become more consistent on social media. Am I saying that you need to be on every day all the time? No. If you can get more disciplined in scheduling and batching content, you get more clear on your niche, you can schedule content and have it done. If you can get a little bit more strategic about your marketing, it doesn’t take quite as much time.
Doing that work and my magnetic marketing course will be beta launching the beta version in the summer. I’m going to be doing like a great deal for people. If you want to get in on that, let me know. This is key. Starting to get more strategic and consistent with your marketing. Once you do that and you start to batch content and start to schedule it out, it won’t feel like quite such a chore. If you don’t know who you are talking to and you don’t know who you are, it’s a lot of work. This is key. Staying consistent.
One of my own personal beliefs here is you want to be super authentic on social media, which you also want to be your best authentic self on social media. One of the biggest mistakes people can make, especially in this time when there are so many strong opinions about so many topics is you get upset about something and you decide to go rant on social media. If it’s off-brand and it’s not helpful and it’s not attracting who you want to attract, my personal belief is it doesn’t need to be there. It doesn’t.
I know people feel strongly that they should get to express their opinions. Do whatever you want. Just know you are also running a business on here. When you decide that you are running a business, you decide that not everything belongs on social media. It’s a shift in mindset. Best authentic self, you want to present yourself as who you are right now and where you are going so people can follow you. That’s where you want to sit. Who you are, where you are going, not where you were, not what you are mad about, or not who annoyed you, that’s not telling anyone where you are going. My personal opinion.
Look for opportunities to spread positivity and joy in abundance, because there’s way too much of everything else already on social media. No one needs it. What they need is to be lifted up and you can do that. That’s number two is marketing. Number three is Momentum. Everything we do has momentum. It’s either you are staying super consistent in building momentum or you are sporadic or not active and that’s creating its own momentum in the other direction.
What I often see with entrepreneurs, particularly in the social selling business, is they go hard and then they burn out. They go hard and then they can’t sustain that and they stop. They take a break, then they get out of momentum and to start again requires a lot more energy again. If you are reading this, you are probably someone with goals. Here’s my biggest piece of advice for you. Find a pace that you can stay at.
I have run a couple of marathons, lots of half marathons, and there is such a thing as called race pace, and there are also long runs. You go out for a long run and you could stay out there all day and then race pace, you push. I want you to feel like you are in it for the long run. Find a pace you can consistently stay at. If you want to push the pace a little bit and come back to race pace, push come back to race pace. Only you can decide what that looks like and that is based on a couple of things. It’s based on your personal goals, your time, and what else you’ve got going on in your life.
No one can decide that for you and whatever pace you choose is the right pace for you. We are not in a race. I know I used my race analogies. We are not in a race to the end of our lives. I will tell you that right now. Find a pace you can work with and I want you to trust that consistency compounds. If you haven’t read The Compound Effect yet, that’s a great book. You could also probably find some amazing videos on it. I’m sure there are some great ones. Consistency compounds. Everything we do compounds. If you stay consistent for long enough, it will pay off. Try to stick with the consistency. Trust that the compound effect works and find a pace that you can work with.
Let’s recap these three. I hope this is helpful. First is Mindset. Everything is happening for you, not to you. If you don’t believe that, you got to do a little bit more mindset work. Marketing, consistency, add value, and be authentic. Do the work on your niche and your content so that you are not behind the eight ball every single time you open up social media, and third is commit to that consistency. That’s it for now. It’s longer than I usually do here. Still not too long. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Please come back to me. Let me know what resonated with you, and always let me know if you want to get in on some of our workshops and the course that will be coming out soon. I’m very excited about it. It’s going to be amazing. I love you, guys. Have a great day.
Everything is happening for you, not to you. Share on X