You might be in business for a few years now or just at the beginning of an exciting business venture. Whatever it might be, I’d like you to think about your business and what you’d like it to look like one year from now.
You can hone in on anything:
- the number of customers,
- the number of clients,
- the number of people that have enrolled in your course, your income,
- the number of people you’re helping, etc.
I am here to help you level up your mindset and your marketing skills, so that you can go from where you are today to where you want to be this time next year.
Who is Tracey Pontarelli?
I am an online entrepreneur and a multi-six-figure earner. I’ve done a lot of different things that have gotten me to this specific point in my life, where I feel called upon to really try and help more solopreneurs, social sellers, and network marketers, get more professional about how they show up in their marketing and feel better about the way they’re doing their business.
I live in New York City, where I started my career in marketing and public relations. I was in that line of work for many years and I loved it. But once I had kids, everything changed. I found myself feeling very torn. I wasn’t doing anything particularly well, and the joy was being stripped from all parts of my life. I was very fortunate to be in a position where I was able to make the choice to stay home with my kids, which was an amazing experience. Nonetheless, I also had this yearning in my heart to do something besides being a stay-at-home mom.
I decided to go back to my fitness roots and get recertified. I became a wellness coach, and that really took off and it was phenomenal. I was able to work around my kids’ schedules, help people get healthy, and I didn’t need to sacrifice time away from my kids. But then I hit a wall.

Earning through learning
Being a wellness coach was an hour-for-dollars model and eventually, the only way I was going to make more impact and make more income is if I decided to work more hours or charge more dollars. That just didn’t feel right to me. That’s when I stumbled into a traditional network marketing experience. I found a product that I loved for myself and my family and immediately knew my friends would want to have this product. So, I decided to join the business. I loved getting to do the business with other moms and I asked my friends to do it with me. That’s how my business grew, through organic growth and I earned as I learned.
Doing business in an authentic and effective way
During this journey, you go from being a mom who’s on social media to being a mom who has a business trying to grow on social media. That requires a real shift in thinking. If you don’t have a background in marketing, it’s really hard to do and really easy to get wrong.
I’ve helped so many entrepreneurs think about their personal brand in the right way, show up more intentionally and more professionally on social media. Now, I want to help you do the same and really level up how you are showing up and how you’re going about your business in a really authentic and effective way. I don’t want you to feel like you’re chasing, but I want you to feel like you’re attracting.
Here is my promise to you:
- I am here to help you with all of those marketing steps. You can ask me questions and give me your feedback. I know from working with so many people on my team and in the industry what a lot of the pitfalls are.
- I am excited to help you, share my methodologies, my simple marketing, and social media tips, and what’s working for me, so that you can see how that would fit your business.
- I will simplify all my methodologies and marketing tips, but I won’t dumb them down because I believe you have the ability to level up and rock out your own business. I want to allow you to do that in a really powerful, authentic, magnetic way.
I am looking forward to sharing more marketing and social media tips with you. Hopefully, this has sparked some curiosity in you and if you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with me.
Until next time,