Release What Doesn’t Serve You

End Of Year Reflect & Release and Cord Cutting Practice 

As the year draws to a close, many of us rush straight into creating vision boards and setting goals for the future. While I love manifestation work (and host an annual visioning masterclass), I’ve learned that true transformation requires us to first pause and honor what’s ending.

But before you start manifesting what’s next, I want to invite you to join me for a wonderful practice I call “Reflect and Release”. It’s incredibly powerful to reflect on all you’ve accomplished and endured this year, and decide what needs to be released and what you will carry with you. This is incredibly soul healing and lightens your emotional load, allowing more manifestations to come through. 

Too often we rush through life’s changes, eager to put challenging times behind us. Changes in health and relationships, births, deaths, retirements – they are all part of the natural cycles of humanity. If we don’t properly acknowledge the inevitable changes in our lives and allow ourselves to feel them fully, the emotions often find a way out in the form of passive aggression, outbursts and/or emotional distancing. None of these allow the full embodiment of who we are. 

A full training of this Reflect and Release practice, including a powerful cord cutting ceremony, is available in the masterclass replay and if you haven’t already, I invite you to grab it now by clicking here. 

Reflect and Release Practice 

1) Journaling

These are a sample of questions you can use to reflect on this year. For the full list, click here to grab the free toolkit. 

  • What happened this year that you’re really proud of and grateful for?
  • What were some challenges you faced? How did you handle them? 
  • Is there something that’s been nagging you that you’re ready to finally let go of?
  • What negative energy or drama do you want to leave behind? 
  • What ended this year that you need to mourn and release? 
  • Who would you like to forgive? What stories do you want to release? 
  • What can you forgive yourself for?


2) Refine this list 

Take some time now to go through the list and break it into two main categories – what you’re grateful for and what you’re ready to release, keeping in mind that you could be grateful for lessons and ready to release the emotional handcuffs around the lesson. Fill out the following prompts: 


This year, I am so grateful for: 


Moving forward, I am ready to release: 





3) Cut The Cords 

I recommend a cord cutting ceremony to release what you do not want to bring energetically into the new year. The ceremony is designed to be experienced with guided audio/video in the toolkit. Here’s a quick rundown if you would like to do this on your own.

  • Bring your “Release” list from the previous exercise and get comfortable. 
  • If you’d like, grab a ribbon or string and scissors to represent the cord cutting, but you don’t need them. You can imagine the cord cutting and it’s just as powerful. Also if you’d like grab candles and crystals for spiritual support, and a journal and pen for post-ceremony reflection
  • Turn on a soothing soundtrack. I love this one
  • When you’re ready, ground yourself by closing your eyes and imagining a healing white light surrounding you. Breath in for 4 counts, hold for 7 counts, release for 8 counts. Repeat until you feel grounded. 
Sacred Cord Release 
  • Begin to notice without judgment the energetic connections around you representing past experiences, behaviors and beliefs that no longer serve you. Notice how they look and feel – vibrant and light, or heavy and dark. Are they threads or streams of colors. Allow yourself to feel them fully. 
  • Envision a pair of golden scissors made of light. If using a physical ribbon, open your eyes briefly to hold it. Repeat these words of release (aloud or silently): “I let go of what no longer serves me to make room for new growth. I release what no longer serves my highest good. I choose healing and forward movement.”
  • Close your eyes and visualize healing white light entering through the crown of your head, and flowing throughout your body. When you’re ready, gently begin to wiggle your fingers and toes and making small movements. Stretch if that feels good for you and open your eyes when ready

Take your journal and reflect on your experience:

  • How do you feel in your body?
  • What emotions are present?
  • What insights arose during the ceremony?
  • What feels different?
Integration Care

Immediately afterwards: Stay hydrated, move gently and practice extra self-care. Consider a salt bath for energetic cleansing and some ecstatic dancing

Moving forward: Be gentle with yourself as you integrate, and pay attention to any shifts in energy or patterns. Remember healing isn’t linear and old cords may occasionally need re-cutting.

Let me know how it goes. I’m excited to see what happens for you this year, especially if you follow it up with the Word Of The Year exercises and Vision Board journaling. and if no one has told you lately, you’re a rockstar. 

❤️ and 💡, 


