Rethinking Resolutions: Slow Down & Get Aligned

It’s January, and if you’re getting stressed about your new year’s resolutions, I want you to hear me on this: you do not need to hit the new year with a sprint.  Like everything else in nature, we all go through seasons when we need to rest and recover. If you’re feeling like you just aren’t feeling super motivated right now when it comes to achieving your new year’s resolutions, or even creating goals for this year, that’s perfectly normal

Tune Out And Tap In To Your Desires

It’s hard to tap into what you really want for yourself when you are being bombarded with “experts” telling you what you should want when it comes to your health, finances and personal and professional life in the new year. As a former marketing professional, I know for a fact that many marketers will try to leverage your insecurities in the hopes that you’ll buy their products. 

Do your self a favor and tune out the advertisements and influencers for a minute so you can figure out what you really want right now.  When you get aligned with what you really want, you can start to tune out the noise of what’s not for you. Then you can take practical steps towards your true desires. 

Here’s how I’ve been putting this into practice:

  • Exercise: I’ve been cleared to resume my full workout routine after my hysterectomy so I’m eager to get back into classes and doing my own workouts. Yesterday I scheduled classes for my favorite workout spot in NYC for the entire month of January 👍🏻
  • Detox: I bought a detox from my friend Dani that I had planned to start this week, but I’m traveling a bunch this month so I’m going to start it next month. In the meantime, I’m going to start reading up on the program and listen to some of the trainings starting next Monday 👍🏻
  • Personal Growth: I’m eager to read “The Let Them Theory” by Mel Robbins so I’m inviting our community to join me for our next online book club.  Sign up to be invited to our online book club by clicking here

I want us all to achieve our goals and feel good about our wellness journeys, so each week I’m going to be sending you some practical wellness tips and a weekly journaling prompt to ground our desires and move us forward towards achieving them. I’ll sprinkle in some science and my favorite tips, and would love to hear from you about what else you want to know. 

This week, let’s start with a wellness mindset. 

Your beliefs about yourself matter. Your beliefs about everything matter (read more about belief here). What you believe 🧐 is what you see 👀, and this include what you believe about your health and your daily habits. 

Let’s take the placebo effect.

Placebo is anything (a pill, shot, “fake” treatment) that is presented as a “real” medical treatment — but isn’t. 

You’ve probably seen studies showing the success of a medical treatment vs. the placebo to show the effectiveness of a treatment, but they are missing the point. People have been shown to heal themselves if they believe they can. Check this out 👇🏻

In a study, 6 well-trained male cyclists who were asked to perform several ride exercises. The cyclists were told that they would each receive randomly either 1) a placebo, 2) a medium amount of caffeine, or 3) a larger amount of caffeine. But in reality, placebos were given to everyone —there was no caffeine in any of the pills. 

So what happened? 

The cyclist not only had a placebo effect, but it was related to their perceived dose. 

The cyclists produced 1.4% less power when they thought they had taken a placebo, 1.3% more power when they thought they had taken medium caffeine, and whopping 3.1% more power when they believed they had taken the most caffeine. On top of that, during the interviews, all the cyclists reported feeling varying caffeine-related symptoms.

Are you grasping this? How could you apply this to your own life? Instead of telling yourself that you’re not doing enough, what if you decided to believe that your choices were paying off, and that you are getting healthier and stronger every day?

Journaling prompt: What negative stories am I telling myself about my health? What alternative story could I tell instead? 

Mantra: I am taking care of myself because I’m worth it. My choice are making a difference. My body is important to me and I want to take good care of it so I can feel my best. 

Here we go friends! Don’t forget to get back to me with anything you need help with and want to know more about.



P.S. If you haven’t grabbed my Visioning Workshop series yet, what are you waiting for? Click here.

