Because a great copy is so important, the next three episodes of the Magnetic Marketing & Mindset Show will be all about, you guessed it, Copy!
I will share with you my tips on how to create more magnetic copy when it comes to your social media content.
As a journalism major by trade, I’ve been writing great copy for my entire life and I love seeing how these principles translate to social media.
This episode covers:
- The three main components to every single copy
- My favorite tips on how to create really engaging hooks or headlines
- How to framework your hook
For this episode, I have a freebie for you. You can download it right here: Stop the scroll.
I would love to read your hooks! Feel free to email me. I’d love to hear from you and get some feedback!
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Magnetic Copy Writing Part 1: Hooks & Headlines
We are talking about one of my favorite topics, how to create more magnetic copy when it comes to your social media content. This is a three-part series, so this is part one, and then we’ll dig into the other parts. I have got great resources, tips, tools, and tricks for you. Let’s jump into it. The first thing I wanted to talk to you about is to give you a little bit of background about me. If we are just meeting, hello, it’s great to meet you.
My background started in marketing and public relations. I’m a Journalism major by trade. Writing and writing great copy has been something that I have been doing for my entire life. I love seeing how these principles translate to social media and how great copy and being intentional about what you are writing along with what you are posting can create authentic relationships, engagement, and opportunities for you. This is key.
I want you to think about getting intentional in your content writing and deciding that you are going to skill up in this area. You are also going to look at your content through the eyes of a marketer. There are so much of what we post on social media that can be personal, and when it doesn’t catch fire or create engagement, sometimes we can take that personally. I don’t want you to take any of this personally. One of the rules of the four agreements is don’t take anything personally. Think about looking at all your content through the eyes of did that work? Did that not work? What worked? What could work better? Then you will continue to skill up and improve.
Let’s start with part one. This is one of my favorite parts. When you get good at this, you will start to have a lot more success in your engagement. It is one of the key components, and it is what we call the headline or the hook of the post. I’m going to work off of the assumption. We are we are doing a post that’s either a real ecstatic post, a carousel, and even a live video.
I see the headline mistake most often when people do live videos because they are not clear enough. The number one thing that you are trying to get people to do on social media is stop scrolling. People aren’t reading social media. They are scrolling social media. Even when they stop the scroll, they are still scanning instead of reading. Think that they are scrolling, not reading, and then they are scanning, not reading.
People aren't reading social media. They're scrolling social media. Share on X
You want to think about how to create compelling content in as few or as possible and as easy to read as possible. Let’s start with the headline or the hook. There are three main components to every single post. Grab a pen and write these down. Number one is the hook. That’s also the headline. Number two is the body, and number three is your call for engagement or your call to action.
I like call for engagement over call to action because you are trying to get them to engage in some way. Those are your three components and all of your copy should follow that format. Engaging hook or headline, copy, call for engagement. If you don’t have a call for engagement, and sometimes we don’t for whatever reason. If you do not have a call for engagement, you have not asked your audience to do anything, so don’t be surprised when they don’t. Topic for another conversation.
I’m going to give you some of my favorite tips on how to create engaging hooks or headlines, and then I’m going to give you some examples, and yes, I have a freebie for you, so you can grab your own hook, headline, and prompt guide. Magnetic hooks and headlines. I’m excited to share this with you. This is some of my favorite topics. The first thing that you want to do is use specificity. Give the reader a sense of what they are going to read next.
My biggest secret, my three top tips, the number one reason you are not filling in the blank. Use specificity. I like numbers very much because it also creates structure for you. If you say the five things you need to know for magnetic content. Five things you cannot miss for create for magnetic content. People know that there are going to be five things, and I need to structure myself so that I have got five things under there.
Number one is specificity. Number two, use action words. This is where words matter. This is a fun side note. I love words, and my kids joke because when they use a good word, I will say, “Good word.” Now, my kids say a good word to their friends. Need, boost, save, improve, launch, and achieve. You want to create some words that they think, “I have to read this because I want to achieve, learn, and accelerate that.”
Use words that create some action in your text. That’s number two. Number one is specificity. Number two is action words. Number three is use viral words. People think that they have to get it from you. If they don’t read it right now, they might miss it. Here are some great viral words. Surprising, hidden, secret, ninja tip, and hack. Those are some of your viral words. Then they were like, “I need to stop and find out what’s happening.” Trending, those are your viral words. That’s number three.
I don’t usually use negative words in general unless it’s to solve a problem. This is my number four. Use negative words to solve a problem. For example, the three worst mistakes to avoid and how to avoid them. Two biggest mistakes in how to overcome them. The two biggest weaknesses that you can fix right now. Does that make sense?
Use negative words to solve a problem. Share on X
Number five, use urgency. I was using these. Use urgency words. Right now, before it’s too late, don’t wait. Really creating that sense. I bet you as you are reading this right now, you are like, “I see people do this in advertising copy all the time.” Yes, they do and you are going to too. Let me run you through those again, and then I’m going to give you some examples. You are going to want these anyway as a handout.
Tip number one, specificity. Tip number two, action words. Tip number three, viral words. Tip number four, negative words to solve a problem, and number five is urgency words. You see why I love words so much? Here are a couple of different ways that you can framework this, and then you are going to have this all in the handout.
A couple of different ways to create these hooks. Hook starters. One is to tell people how. Remember, what creates great content, it’s valuable. You are giving them value, whether you are entertaining, educating, or connecting with them. You are going to teach them how is one of the ways. Tell them how. How do I improve my social media content in five steps? How I improved what you improved in how many steps? You could also add in, “How to improve your content without driving yourself crazy in five steps?”
You can do that as well. You can add a little bit in there. I’m going to give you a couple of different ways to do these. Start with how to, and then what you do learn, make how to do learn something in a number of steps. How to create amazing content that gets great engagement? How to in blank. I have got all of these for you. That’s tell them how.
Number two, this is one of my favorite ways to do this, because it also creates structure around your own content is to quantify it. My number one secret, the five ways to fill in the blank, the number one reason to do something. Get great copy. Get your solution in these five tricks. I also would recommend that you do not have more than five tips or tricks of anything. We’ll go into the body copy on that. It does. If it’s too much or if it’s going to take too long, people aren’t going to finish. If they don’t engage with the copy, you’ve lost them.
Then the final piece, so tell them how is number one, quantifies number two, and then number three, and these all overlap with each other. Give them secrets in shortcuts, in ninja tips, and in tricks. People want to engage with people who are going to solve a problem for them. I want you to solve a problem for me. That’s it. Those are the three, and I’m going to dig into this headline one more time and then in the next episode, we’ll go into the body copy.
The number one thing I want you to remember is what’s in it for them. The biggest mistake I see people make is that they are talking about themselves. The second mistake is that they aren’t being clear about who they are talking about at all. I will see a live video for example that says in the headline, you won’t believe this.
What I think is I don’t know what it is that I’m not supposed to believe, but I’m not going to stop and watch it because I don’t know what you are talking about. I want you to think about your target avatar and how you are serving them. That’s your whole purpose to be on there is to create enormous value for the people on the other side.
You are in business as a marketer. You are here to provide value. The number one way to get them to stop is to create a magnetic hook or headline. Those are your ways to do it. I’m going to have a great handout for you. It’ll also get you signed up for my marketing newsletter. This is all stuff we teach in my Magnetic Marketing Academy. More to come on that. Part two is going to be digging into the copy. That’s it for now. I love you, guys. Go be magnetic. You are amazing. I will see you really soon. Take care.